#RBSF2020 #CamperdownBurnsFestival #RobertBurnsFestival
2020 Virtual Festival Celebrating Connections Old and New!
The festival promotes the legacy of Robert Burns and the cultural heritage of Scots in south-west Victoria. We'll be adding new content throughout the year, please subscribe for the latest festival news and information about live streaming concerts on social media.

Online concerts;
Facebook & Instagram live streaming 4th & 5th July. See programme below. Luke Plumb, Fiona Ross, Kate Bourke and The Cornerhouse Band will be the first of our performers over our virtual festival weekend. We plan to present further live streaming concerts later in the year. Please subscribe for updates.
Dr. John Menzies OAM, Festival Chairperson, in conversation with President of The Robert Burns Federation Scotland, Brian Goldie and Jan Macdonald, Secretary of the Victorian Scottish Union. There’s a short visit via Camperdown’s town square, clocktower and the Corangamite Shire offices where our Robert Burns statue resides.
Scroll down to find a video message from Dr. John Menzies, featuring beautiful views over lake Bullen Merri. A message from Mike Duguid is also below.
Have fun exploring! We hope you enjoy the content.

Please share our website and social links to help spread the word.
Catherine O'Flynn, Festival Coordinator @ Reconciliation Park
A message from Dr. John Menzies OAM, Festival Chairperson
A taste of what the Gala Dinner is like, hope you can make it in 2021!
'tae a haggis and pipe out...
for a' that - a short excerpt
There are many artists and guests that we need to acknowledge and thank for contributing to our virtual festival – please visit our artists’ page and click on names for links to artist platforms. Connect with us on social media and enjoy the live streaming concert series.
We are so excited to release our program for Burns Virtual Festival this weekend! Please tune in every hour for new and exciting things from highlights from previous years to live concerts by the best in the business to snippets of what the future may hold.

Checkout Sessions recorded @ RBSF
Great session at the Commercial Hotel! Time for bed, see you all tomorrow
Posted by Camperdown’s Robert Burns Festival on Saturday, July 6, 2013
While the festival has officially finished, we have been lucky to have an impromptu session at the Hampden Hotel.
Posted by Camperdown’s Robert Burns Festival on Sunday, June 29, 2014
The Clansman Sword Dance from Glenbrae’s FB page.
Shared by Bernadette Rae – head of Glenbrae Celtic Dance Inc.
glenbraecelticdancers.com – a celtic dance community
Hayley, Kelsey, Bridget, Erin performing the Clansman Sword Dance – a competitive dance in the Victorian Scottish Union Syllabus. These girls have only recently learnt this dance. The dance is judged individually, although they perform together.
Posted by Glenbrae Celtic Dancers Inc on Sunday, March 2, 2014
Warrnambool Pipe Band @ RBSF
At festival 2 years ago.
Warrnambool Pipes and Drums
Posted by Camperdown’s Robert Burns Festival on Saturday, May 19, 2018
With a piper dancing and piping!!
If playing bagpipes isn’t hard enough…throw in a bit of dancing!
Warrnambool and District Pipes and Drums.
Posted by Camperdown’s Robert Burns Festival on Sunday, June 29, 2014
At the finale concert.
More from the Warrnambool Pipes and Drums at the Festival Finale concert
Posted by Camperdown’s Robert Burns Festival on Saturday, May 21, 2016
Melbourne Scottish Fiddle Club
Fiona Ross
Kate Burke & Luke Plumb
Peter Daffy
The Cornerhouse Band
Ceilidh Isabel
Tuniversal Music Group Inc.
Lakes and Craters Band
The Twa Bards
Howlin’ Wind
Please let us know your experience of the virtual fest via our contact page 🙂

Hello to the good people of Camperdown and greetings from Dumfries and Galloway, the last home of our beloved poet Robert Burns.
I can honestly say I still treasure the five days I spent in Camperdown in 2013 as a guest at the Festival. The things that made it special were:
- the incredible story of the statue and the heroic efforts of Gordon Ashley in getting it properly recognised and restored.
- The wonderful hosting by John Menzies and his delightful wife Carolyn at their beautiful home overlooking Bullen Merri.
- Learning about the resurgence of interest in the history of the area and particularly about the prominent Scots, such as the MacArthur family, who formed major part of that story.
- The shear joy of the musical events in and around the town featuring the likes of Luke Plumb, Peter Daffy and the lovely Fiona Ross culminating in a memorable finale concert involving the Victoria Police Pipe band and the Melbourne Fiddle Orchestra.
- The ‘Songs of Robert Burns’ event at the Court House when I had the privilege of choosing and introducing 10 songs sung by Don Grieve and Angela Preiss.
- Above all it was the warm hospitality extended by everyone I met, a sheer joy.
I am delighted the Festival has gone from strength to strength and is now established as a major feature in the worldwide celebration of the life and works of Burns. As Editor of the Robert Burns World Federation’s Newsletter, I take great pleasure in reporting on the event to acknowledge the worldwide appeal of the Bard.
This virtual Festival is a great idea but can in no way match the memorable personal contact I enjoyed during my visit.
Sending you my very best wishes, Mike Duguid
Everyone has contributed in new and unexpected ways – almost a Gala dinner virtual feast!
Festival Chairperson, Dr John Menzies OAM said “I have been encouraged, and pleasantly surprised how others from far away are keen to support us. The festival committee has been inspired by the contributions received. We’re very excited to be celebrating connections new and old. Through our website and social media pages we hope reach out to even more people. Please consider this our open invitation to you all to experience Camperdown’s Virtual 2020 Robert Burns Scottish festival.”
2020 Virtual Festival Announced