2020 Cancelled

The 2020 Robert Burns Scottish Festival has been cancelled.  Chairperson Dr John Menzies OAM said “that the RBSF Committee met last week and the decision to cancel the Festival which aligns with the Australian Government guidelines on mass gatherings became the catalyst that was the only option we could take.  Dr. Menzies said that before making a public announcement we needed to contact all of the Performers, Guest Speakers and providers who had been booked for the 2020 festival.” We are mindful of the impact of the Covid-19 Virus and the loss of income for our Musicians and providers including our Patrons. Early Bird Ticket holders will be refunded and our Website will be updated for the duration, the committee will continue to plan the festival for 2021 and appreciate the support given over recent months. Dr Menzies said, “This is a time for us all to use our strength and compassion to pull together …

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Press Release Program & Ticketing Updates

The Camperdown Robert Burns Festival committee are pleased to announce that the festival program is nearing completion and promises our 2nd festival as a community operated festival will see new elements adding to a number of favourite events returning. Festival Chairperson Dr John Menzies AOM said “the committee are pleased to announce that Early Bird tickets are now available via the festival website via Trybooking.com until May 25 . Visit: https://camperdownburnsfestival.com.au/tickets/ Early Bird tickets are $80 which allow patrons to go to all the performances at designated venues over the weekend”. This price excludes the Burns Festival Gala dinner which is $70 / person, bookings are essential”. Dr Menzies said, “ a number of festival musicians have now been booked and the performers coming include The Melbourne Scottish Fiddle Club, returning as our headline act in 2020. A great combination of Australia’s best known Scottish performers are now confirmed to appear at the festival include …

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2020 Lecture Series

Guest Speakers Announced. Saturday 4th July, 10.30 am – 3.30 pmKillara Centre, Camperdown $20 per Lecture Series for Adults (Saturday 4 Lectures). Under 18’s: Free(under 13’s must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.) Dr Andrew Lemon has chosen to speak on “The legacy of Camperdown district Scots and the Manifolds to Australian horse racing.” Dr Ruth Pullin will speak on “Vision and patronage: von Guérard and the Scots of the Western District.” Dr Ian D. Clark will take us on “A Scottish Ramble through the Western District.” David Jellie will discuss “The legacy of Scottish Engineers, Telford and McAdam, to Australia’s roads.” For further details and updates visit our Lecture Series page. Tickets now available!