Contact Us:
Email: info@camperdownburnsfestival.com.au
Festival Coordinator: 0407 056 126
Tickets: 0480 231 724
Key festival team contacts
Dr John Menzies OAM, Festival Chairman.
Jordy Hickey, Festival Ticket Sales.
Catherine O’Flynn, Festival Coordinator.
Read all about it... website links and news articles.
2020 Corangamite Shire Council – Press
2020 Year of Scotland in Australia – Press
Victorian Scottish Heritage Cultural Foundation Listing
2019 Warrnambool Standard – Press
Community continues to celebrate Scottish history at Camperdown’s Robert Burns Festival. Community support has upheld Camperdown’s tradition of paying tribute to its early Scottish setters through a now entirely volunteer-managed festival….
Our present holds our past...
A fundamental belief of the festival committee is that while we are contributing to our local Australian culture that has imported/colonial features it is most important that we respect and acknowledge First Nations peoples and recognise their continuous connection to Country, community and culture. The festival seeks to incorporate and honour the sharing of traditions, songs and stories.
‘Always Was, Always Will Be’ reminds us of the importance of the truth-telling which is key to reconciliation, and to creating a vibrant, shared present and inclusive future. Robert Burns was a passionate advocate for human rights, with a strong affinity to nature, and a creator/collector of local story… celebrating his works resonates; ‘A Man’s A Man for A’ That’.
Locally we also have the legacy of pioneering Scots, Isabella & James Dawson, whose championing of the Aboriginal cause in the 19th Century gives us a benchmark for the 21st Century. As our community continues to diversify we seek to celebrate the unique heritage of where we love and live.