September RBSF Weekend Events Cancelled

Camperdown’s Robert Burns Scottish Festival [RBSF] September event cancelled for a 2nd Year due to Covid-19 Delta Strain and current state of affairs.

The Camperdown 2021 Robert Burns Scottish Festival has been cancelled.  Chairperson Dr John Menzies OAM said “due to continuing uncertainty and extended lockdown with restrictions, the festival committee has cancelled the remaining events of the RBSF for 2021.”   The organising committee delivered components of the festival, known as` Burns Bites’, in July, these ‘bites’  proved to be very successful and were well patronised. It was planned to move the main event to September.  It is now evident with that we cannot do this now because of the current outbreak in Victoria, “This pandemic has been fast moving, impacting many communities such that most Events and Festivals have had to be cancelled.  The Communities’ Public Safety, health and wellbeing will improve in the coming months once folk have been immunised and we obtain a high level of immunity.” Dr Menzies said.

The committee is busy organising refunds for Patrons who have pre purchased tickets.  Our performers and providers and Festival Lecturers have been advised.  All our Funders and Sponsors will be notified with funds to be returned.  Hopefully all our supporters will be back in 2022 and our festival will be bigger and better.

One of our Schools’ Art program has been completed and a great number of entries received. Art Works from local children will be judged and displayed in shopfronts over the next month. We thank our schools for embracing our festival and encouraging the children to participate.  

The Music workshops, festival lectures, Gala Dinner and Festival finale concert and Brett Clarke’s schools’ project will be delivered in 2022.  

Our Virtual component will be ongoing as we have established International links, partnering with festival organisers from Scotland, New Zealand, Canada and the United States.  This Virtual program will highlight Camperdown, our performers and the festival. Also, we will showcase events received from overseas.

Whilst this is a disappointing outcome for our hardworking committee we will continue to grow and plan the festival, looking forward to 2022.