Scroll down this page to view. Many thanks to AYRSHIRE TAMFEST (their Halloween), DUNEDIN Artists, RBWF & International Friends for supporting the festival with shoutouts and unique content to share. Please use our comment box to share your thoughts. We’ll have local content online later in September and will be sharing our own local content, checkout the links to the International Festivals to see what they have on offer. It is exciting to connect and forge new links with festivals across the waves. Please consider a donation.

Special thanks also to Corangamite Shire for their ongoing support of the Festival with a quick response grant in our 2021 funding.

Dr John Menzies OAM chair of Camperdown Victoria Australia’s Robert Burns Festival pipes us in to Wurrong, followed by Brett Clarke & Catherine O’Flynn filmed at Naidoc Celebrations, then Mayor, Ruth Gstrein, filmed at the Corangamite Shire Offices with Rabbie, finishing with final words from John, over which pictures from previous festival celebrations appear.

These videos have been created to share with and thank the Robert Burns World Federation and our International Burns Festival family who have generously shared content across the waves, and helped make RBSF2021 unique. 

There’s also Burns recitations from Len Murray, with song versions and historic footage following, as well as a piece by Sue Cole, talking of her ancestors and of how our Rabbie statue came to be in Camperdown.

The videos below are from the Robert Burns World Federation and our International Burns Festival family. 

Message for RBSF2021 Virtual Festival Committee

Message for RBSF2021 Virtual Festival Committee

We would love to hear from you and hope you enjoy the virtual content. More will be added throughout September 2021. Please consider making a donation to the festival.

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Donate to RBSF

Help to keep the festival’s Burnsian spirit and performances live. “The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men gang aft a-gley.”

Please consider making a donation to the festival, your connection inspires and supports our volunteer committee.

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The Robert Burns Scottish Festival School Children’s Art Competition was held in local schools during last term.

Children from St Pats Primary, Camperdown College, St Thomas Primary and Terang College entered their Art works based on Robert Burns poem “To a Mouse” 

Over 200 entries were judged by Jo Kenna and her helpers Penny and Pam.  Co-ordinator of the RBSF Schools program Caroline Menzies was thrilled with the entries and the children’s interpretation of Burns poem, and the great work teachers put into supporting the children. 

“Prep, grade 1 and grade 2 students portrayed their favourite animals and how the care for them their art work included colourful drawings and paintings of mice, chickens and bees.  The Grade 3 to 6 students listened to and interpreted the poem “To a Mouse” and produced some very thoughtful and vivid art works Mrs Menzies said.”

The Children’s Art work will be displayed in local shop windows in Camperdown and Terang during the School holidays and the committee would like to thank Jacinta Lee at Betta Home Living for providing Sponsorship for this competition.

It is hoped that in 2022 the Robert Burns Scottish Festival will be able to provide the fully planned School Children’s program. For further information please contact Catherine O’Flynn on 0407 056 126

Camperdown’s Robert Burns Scottish Festival [RBSF] September event cancelled for a 2nd Year due to Covid-19 Delta Strain and current state of affairs.

The Camperdown 2021 Robert Burns Scottish Festival has been cancelled.  Chairperson Dr John Menzies OAM said “due to continuing uncertainty and extended lockdown with restrictions, the festival committee has cancelled the remaining events of the RBSF for 2021.”   The organising committee delivered components of the festival, known as` Burns Bites’, in July, these ‘bites’  proved to be very successful and were well patronised. It was planned to move the main event to September.  It is now evident with that we cannot do this now because of the current outbreak in Victoria, “This pandemic has been fast moving, impacting many communities such that most Events and Festivals have had to be cancelled.  The Communities’ Public Safety, health and wellbeing will improve in the coming months once folk have been immunised and we obtain a high level of immunity.” Dr Menzies said.

The committee is busy organising refunds for Patrons who have pre purchased tickets.  Our performers and providers and Festival Lecturers have been advised.  All our Funders and Sponsors will be notified with funds to be returned.  Hopefully all our supporters will be back in 2022 and our festival will be bigger and better.

One of our Schools’ Art program has been completed and a great number of entries received. Art Works from local children will be judged and displayed in shopfronts over the next month. We thank our schools for embracing our festival and encouraging the children to participate.  

The Music workshops, festival lectures, Gala Dinner and Festival finale concert and Brett Clarke’s schools’ project will be delivered in 2022.  

Our Virtual component will be ongoing as we have established International links, partnering with festival organisers from Scotland, New Zealand, Canada and the United States.  This Virtual program will highlight Camperdown, our performers and the festival. Also, we will showcase events received from overseas.

Whilst this is a disappointing outcome for our hardworking committee we will continue to grow and plan the festival, looking forward to 2022.

#RBSF #CamperdownBurnsFestival #RobertBurnsFestival #BurnsBites

The festival promotes the legacy of Robert Burns and the cultural heritage of Scots in south-west Victoria.



Door Opens at 7.30 pm, Music at 8 pm.

ENTRY $20 @ the door. Pre-purchased RBSF tickets will be honoured.

The Program:

The Twa Bards:
Angela Preiss & Don Grieve

Pete Daffy, Maree Daffy, Jim Green

Luke Plumb & Peter Daffy

Howlin’ Wind & Jane McSween

This event honours the original festival date & features local acts.



Terang’s Commercial Hotel – Door Opens at 7.30 pm, Music at 8 pm.


Tickets available at the Door @ $20.00 per person. Pre-purchased RBSF tickets will be honoured. A raffle, with loads of great prizes, will be run  on the night. Special thanks to The Commercial Terang as all ticket proceeds support the festival.



Proudly sponsored by
Dundonnell Wind Farms

Time:  6.30 pm Music and Dinner, Movie 8 pm start.
Cost $10.00 per person 

Music performed by Tuniversal Music Group and a guest piper. Meal provided by the Darlington Hall Committee; homemade soup and a choice of  Roast Beef, Lamb, Chicken and Pork Rolls with homemade slaw and gravy.

Movie: Whisky Galore…
a must-see and loaded with intrigue, covert operations and a  lot of laughs. Tickets are available at the door. A raffle, with loads of great prizes, will be run on the night.

Subscribe for Festival News

Subscribe for Festival News

Opt-in options here. We respect your privacy. *

Last year our festival became a virtual event, this has given us new ways of celebrating and connecting both locally and afar. Many thanks to everyone who participated, commented and subscribed! You can still view the 2020 content as a taster for 2021.

Our connection to Scotland – providing invaluable inspiration, support and resources;

Robert Burns World Federation

Support our local sponsors;

Special thanks to our main sponsors: Corangamite Shire Council & Cobden & Districts Community Bank Branch & Camperdown Branch Bendigo Bank. Loaf & Lounge. Betta Home Living. Tuniversal Music Group Inc. auspices the event.


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